Building Block Insurance PCC Limited is a Malta-based Protected Cell insurance company, specialising in writing bespoke insurance schemes. BBI has the capabilities to write business across Europe, currently holding a European passport in Spain and Ireland.
The Protected Cell Company (PCC) concept was adopted in Malta in 2004 and has since become established as a low-cost solution, enabling smaller organisations to access the benefits of captive insurance without the need to establish and maintain their own licensed insurance company.
Since joining the EU in 2004, Malta has continued to develop and establish itself as an efficient and competitive domicile for the European onshore insurance industry. One of the key factors for choosing Malta is that it remains the only full EU member state which currently has the innovation of fully fledged PCC and ICC legislation.
This legislation allows insurers to create a structure which is less demanding on capital thereby reducing costs which are ultimately shared across the company and its cells.
Journey around the site to find out more about us, or if you have an urgent piece of business you wish to discuss please call Andrew Mirfin on 07815 516798 or email andrew.mirfin@buildingblockpcc.com